Year: 2023

Year 5&6 Extenstion Movie Roles

Task Description: This term for extension we were doing a manaiakalani film festival movie and I was a videographer. It was fun being a videographer. But my favorite things to do in videoing was that we went outside so I can get more fresh air. I was not the only videographer. These people were also videographer, Catherine ,Jaxson ,and Cayden. Our movie is about the book ” Oh The Places You’ll Go” by Dr Seuss. My only thing I didn’t like was when the people I was working with were to noisy in the library. But apart from all that, I love being a videographer. Please leave me a positive comment. THANK YOU. I have some questions that my extenstion teacher gave me.

What did you do?                                                           What equipment did you need?

I was videoing people in places like the library. We needed tripods and cameras.

What was challenging?

The thing that was challenging was speaking up when the people I was with were fighting and I am a quiet person.

What did you like?

I liked moving into different places and being with the camera

Why was this role important for the movie?

This role was imortant because if we did not have videographer we would not have any movie.

What did you learn from being in this role? 

  I learnt that you have to put the camera in the tripod before videoing.                                        

   What do you know now that you didn’t know before? 

I did not know that you have to have everything perfect while you are videoing.

Class On Air Year 5&6 Extention

Task Description:  This term for year 5&6 Extension, we are making a manaikalani film festival movie. First we made a spread sheet and listed the things we needed. For example, if we needed actors, we could ask other people if they wanted to be an actor. Here is a photo. Also here is a link to my extension spreadsheet. Spreadsheet