Category: Hanga | Create

About Me | Ko Wai Ahau

Hi my name is Sophia. I am in a family six and I am ten years old. I am a year 6 at Pt England School and my teacher is Miss Parrant. My favourite food is burgers and fries. My favourite sports are cricket and netball. My favourite colour is white. My favourite fruit is a mango. I am a believer of God. I love school and my favourite teacher is Miss Parrant. I live in New Zealand. Please check out my learning and leave a positive comment on my blog.

Journey on the Sea

Task description: This week we have been learning all about how to be safe in, on and around the water. We read an article called Journey on the Sea and it was about sailing. For our task we had to create a GIF to show how to be safe on the water and part of the article as well as review what we read. Check out my GIF and my book review below! Please feel free to leave a positive comment on my blog!

Ambassador Application

Task description: I would like to apply to be an ambassador for 2024. I really want to be an ambassador because I think it looks really fun and I want to introduce the school to new visitors and to be a role model for the little kids that just came to the school. Also I think that it will improve my confidence. Please check out my ambassador application.

Year 5&6 Extenstion Movie Roles

Task Description: This term for extension we were doing a manaiakalani film festival movie and I was a videographer. It was fun being a videographer. But my favorite things to do in videoing was that we went outside so I can get more fresh air. I was not the only videographer. These people were also videographer, Catherine ,Jaxson ,and Cayden. Our movie is about the book ” Oh The Places You’ll Go” by Dr Seuss. My only thing I didn’t like was when the people I was working with were to noisy in the library. But apart from all that, I love being a videographer. Please leave me a positive comment. THANK YOU. I have some questions that my extenstion teacher gave me.

What did you do?                                                           What equipment did you need?

I was videoing people in places like the library. We needed tripods and cameras.

What was challenging?

The thing that was challenging was speaking up when the people I was with were fighting and I am a quiet person.

What did you like?

I liked moving into different places and being with the camera

Why was this role important for the movie?

This role was imortant because if we did not have videographer we would not have any movie.

What did you learn from being in this role? 

  I learnt that you have to put the camera in the tripod before videoing.                                        

   What do you know now that you didn’t know before? 

I did not know that you have to have everything perfect while you are videoing.

Manaiakalani Film Festival Presentation

Task description: This week we have been coming up with some creative ideas for our Manaiakalani film festival movie. My group thought decided that we should create a movie about the missing teacher. We had to present our ideas with the rest of the class to see what they thought of the idea. Here is a video of us sharing our idea with the rest of the class, what do you think?

Check out my video here!

Manaiakalani Film Festival Idea

Task description: This term we will be filming our Manaiakalani film festival movies and our teacher has asked us to share our ideas with her. This is the plan that my group came up with about a missing teacher. We also had to present our ideas to the rest of the class which I will share in a separate blog post. Please let me know what you think of my idea!


Who are the main characters in the movie?

Describe each character in detail. 

Policewoman: Played by Sophia, she is a mean woman who is overprotective of her job. She is bossy but is really good at her job. 
Murderer: Played by Emzjull. She is the murderer but is disguised as a sheriff that is working with the policewoman. She is sneaky and always one step ahead of the police. 
Main Suspect: Played by Alepina, there will also be a range of minor suspects played by students from room 10. The main suspect is being framed by her sister who is the sheriff. She isn’t as smart as the sheriff. 
Victim: Played by Maddison, she was poisoned by the sheriff who was her good friend because the victim was more famous than the murderer. 
Where is the plan set? Is there more than one location?
Hall – where they are having a disco and where the poisoning happens. 
Police station – where the main events happen, there is one long desk and seats on each side where the suspects are being questioned. 

What is the problem?

Maddison has been poisoned by a mystery person (Emzjull) and the policewoman needs to work out who the killer was. 

What are the feelings of the characters?

Maddison is feeling dead

Emzjuill is jealous of Maddison which is why she killed her. 

Alepina is feeling sad and is dead and nervous because she is the main suspect. 

Sophia is feeling mad because he has to work and bossy because she wants to get it sorted. 


What is the action that will be taken to fix 

the problem?

Sophia is looking for clues and is interviewing suspects to see what they were up to during the time of the murder. She is also looking for a motive. 

What is the resolution?

The police are getting close to finding the murderer. Alepina finds out it is her sister so she comes behind and shoots Emzjull and then goes on the be continued.

How To Make A Vanilla Ice Cream

Task Description: If you want to make a vanilla ice cream, read this.

First you put the ice in the big plastic bag. Next you put the salt in the big plastic bag as well. Then you put cream in the small plastic bag, also you put vanilla essence in the small plastic bag too. After that you put the small bag in the big bag. Then, if you want, you go outside and shake the bag for ten minutes. Next you take the small bag out of the big bag. After that you grab a spoon and scoop up some ice cream in a bowl or a cup. Last of all you eat it.