Category: Hanga | Create

Sunday Hero

Task description: this week we read a story called Sunday Hero. It was about Oma and her relationship with her granddaughter and sharing memories from the past. For this task we had to answer questions and then create a GIF showing a part of the book that made us infer the meaning of the emotion or action. The line I chose was “Oma looked doubtful” and I created a GIF on photopea showing this which is in the presentation.


My Library Book

Task description: This week we went to the library and got a library book to read. The book I got out was Thea Stilton and the Dancing Shadows. For this task we had to answer questions about our book and explain what it is about and what we have learnt so far. We also had to decide if we would recommend it to a friend or not.

About Me

Talofa lava! My name is Sophia and I am 8 years old. When I grow up I want to be a teacher. I have two brothers and an aunty and my mum and dad. My favourite memory with my family is going to the arcade and minigolf. My friends are Imogen, Jordyn, Isla, Harmony, and Isabella. My hobbies and interests are reading and spending time with my family and niece. My favourite colour is purple. My favourite books are the Baby Sitters Club. My favourite movie is Descendants.


A Morning Surprise

In the morning I saw a octopus in my sink. It had a black hat and pink skin. It was very kind but the only problem was my papa wanted to eat it. So I was going to sneak him out at night when everyone was asleep. And in the morning my papa forgot about the octopus.

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